A Tribes game is only as good as the people that play them. However let's try and find the ones that have the biggest player base. If you know any more Tribes like games or mods for other games please post them. Would there be a reason to download Starsiege Tribes if they have ? Well it depends on the player base really. I know there was a patched version with fixed servers listing. I can't find any reals sites for it anymore. There is also the Starsiege Tribes game client which is what PlayTribes pretty much is. However this one seems to have a very, very small playerbase) (Legends another game like Tribes) (Another game like Tribes. (Tribes Next which is Tribes 2) (download the game & patch) (Legions which is like Tribes) (Plays in the browser too) (Tribes 1) (Plays in the browser like Quake Live) For what I have gathered.The Tribes games out there is: