If you feel that your copyrights have been violated, then please contact us immediately. All books and educational material on are free and NOT HOSTED ON OUR WEBSITE. If anyone holding copyrights wants us to remove this content, please contact us rightaway.

We highly encourage our readers to purchase this content from the respected publishers. The intention behind sharing these books and educational material is to provide easy access to medical students, doctors and other individuals related to the field of medical science, "thus only for educational purpose". Please be clear that we () do not own copyrights of these e-books. My only qualm with this series is that First Aid has made each set dependent on the other therefore for a complete understanding and thorough revision, you would have to supplement this series with the step 2 series from First Aid.This website strictly complies with DMCA Digital Copyright Laws.The flash cards are a great revision tool and will give you time to test your learning throughout the day.There are 100 exam-styled mini cases discussed throughout the span of the book, which will give you with a clear view of what to expect in the exams and allow you to learn how to give the perfect response to such cases. The content of each topic is fairly concise, yet covers all important information and leaves you with a deep understanding of the subjects at hand.Resident-tested tips and shortcuts for the CCS.More study-enhancing, vignette-style “flashcards” and full-color clinical images.

– Practice cases are similar to what you will see on the exam, leaving you confident and prepared Cons – Takes ideas from former med students and professors, so you know they are relevant