This gives the player influence in the Papacy and the potential for their cardinal to be elected Pope. Eventually, Senior Catholic priests can be recognized by the Pope and get elected to the collage of cardinals. Over time Priests build up their levels of piety.

The longer they remain in a province the higher percentage of the provinces population they can convert. These are agents that can be used to move around campaign map, spreading the influence of the players' religion. Priests Religious buildings also grant the player the ability to recruit Priests. For catholic factions, these buildings will also improve relations with the Pope. For example, churches and mosques will spread the influence of a player's religion and help maintain and increase happiness levels within the provinces.

Players will be able to influence the faith of their population by constructing various religious buildings within the provinces under their control. As the campaign game progresses, players controlling catholic factions will be able to develop their religious characters to the point where they can even get their own Cardinal elected as Pope. Controlling a catholic faction will also require the player to manage their relationship with the Pope in order to avoid the intervention of inquisitors and even excommunication. In the grand campaign, players must manage religion of their chosen faction throughout their provinces and spread its influence, whilst minimizing outbreaks of heresy. Religion can be affected by religious characters such as Priests, Heretics, Inquisitors and Witches, religious institutions like churches, and even natural drift. The five religions included in Medieval II are Catholic, Orthodox, Muslim, Pagan and Heretic. To mirror this, the religious system in Medieval II: Total War has more depth than any previous Total War title. Religion in Medieval II: Total War Religion was a huge part of medieval life. Take some time to read it over and then check out the five clips we have showing off religion as used in the game! Today we have a feature about the major points of interest for religious gameplay. They've made religion a very important aspect of the game including all of the politics and infighting involved. It was a backstabbing and violent time for all involved.Ĭreative Assembly is looking to represent the both the light and dark sides of organized religion in their upcoming addition to the Total War franchise called Medieval II.

This fight between beliefs was at its most intense during medieval times as Christian and Islamic nations clashed and leaders fought for control of religious leadership. While many religions are founded upon the ideas of peace and good will, those theories break down when someone casts doubt or derision towards the Almighty. There are a lot of reasons that nations have gone to war over the years but one of the nastiest and most divisive is the subject of religion.